Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Ten years

So, the oddest of things have been happening...but, I'll start with the most oddly uncoincidental event of them all.

As you may recall, a little over a month ago, I began a job at the resort here in town. Of all the jobs I've applied for over the last few months, it was this job that I wanted least of all. In fact, it wasn't until literally every other door had been closed...or never opened at all...that I finally put my application in to the resort.

When I got this job, I remember thinking..."God, You've got to be kidding!". Yet, I was grateful, because it was close by, and it wouldn't cost me a fortune in fuel to get there. So, all in all, not bad.

Ever since I started working there, I have just had this feeling that I would not be there for long. I've had the sense that somehow, something was going to break loose in my life, and I was somehow going to move on to better things. I've kept that tucked in the back of my mind all this time, and just continued with my life, waiting for that elusive something to come along.

Well, this past weekend, I think it may well have finally come.

And, it's taken ten years to get here.

Ten years ago, a family friend started selling supplemental insurance. You know, the ducky kind that pays you when you're sick and can't work. At that time, he asked me if I wanted to become an agent, and I promptly told him I did not. I had absolutely no confidence at the time, and I was also concerned that I would be wasting my time on something that would not bear fruit.

Over the years, I have wondered how he's done with his venture.

This past weekend, the ducky insurance agents were at the resort. I saw my friend's name on a roster of people being recognized for their years with the company. One of the security guards was in there with me, and I shared with him that my friend might be there this weekend. I also shared that I thought I had made a big mistake in not becoming an agent ten years ago.

At that moment, as I was setting one of the tables for a meeting, a gentleman came in and gave me a few instructions on what to do with their things while I set the tables. He had overheard part of my conversation with the security guard, and asked me if I knew someone who was going to be at the convention. I told him I did, and told him the name. He recognized the name, and said that my friend was making about a quarter million dollars a year, after ten years with the agency.

I told him that my friend had asked me ten years ago to become an agent, and that I was seriously regretting my decision not to. This gentleman, who turned out to be the state director for the agency, told me that it wasn't too late, and gave the number for the regional director. Great!!

I was very excited about this. It seemed like things were finally...maybe...possibly...turning around for me. I couldn't wait until Monday, so I could call this woman!

Throughout the weekend, there was a woman there who was selling very beautiful jewelry and handbags, and apparently attends all of the agency's functions of this type. We had talked here and there throughout the weekend, and I told her a little about about my conversations earlier. She told me she knew the regional director, and would introduce her to me at the next break.

This just keeps getting better!

So, at the next break, I meet the regional director, who takes down my number and says she will call me to schedule an appointment for the following week.

Later on in the evening, as I am sitting with some of my coworkers (yeah, we were slackin'), the state director steps out into the hallway for a breather. He tells us that they will all be performing skits later, and we should come in and watch them for a good laugh. So, we do.

At that time, I meet a regional director from the upper peninsula, who shares with me a bit about his own experience with the company, and strongly encourages me to "go for it". He then introduces me to another sales coordinator from my area, and says I should work with her in order to learn the best and most profitable way to go about doing things. As it turns out, I had been talking with her periodically throughout the evening, assisting her with things for the convention.

All in all, this past weekend left me feeling a sense of hope, and a sense that God had given me something...a totally new and unexpected move me into the next phase of what He has for me.

I am meeting with the regional sales director on Thursday at 3p.m.

I am very excited about this. This is an excellent opportunity to make some real money and move on with my life in a manner I never imagined possible. More than that, though, this will free me up to get more involved with my church, as I've been wanting to do for some time. It is going to take some very hard work to get established, but once I've done that, I'll have time to do the things I have had on my heart to do, but have not been able to do because someone else has been dictating my schedule. Beyond that, if I reap the financial rewards I saw others reaping this past weekend, it will enable me to bless others with what I've been blessed with. I know what it is to be in need, and feel like there is no way out. I would love to be in a position of helping someone who is facing that struggle.

I have a very good feeling about this. A God-feeling. I do not believe in coincidence, and I believe there are specific reasons why the job with the resort is the only one I could feasibly have, and I believe that perhaps this past weekend was a major part of why God put me there.

In other news, Sunday was surprising for other reasons...

There was a seminar at the church on Sunday night that I wanted to attend. That meant I would have to stay in town all day, rather than wasting the fuel to drive home only to turn around and drive back a few hours later.

When Herbie's roommate heard of this, he invited me to come over for the afternoon, so I wouldn't have to hang around town all day. I thought this was very sweet, and I took him up on the offer. He and I have been spending a fair amount of time lately, just talking and getting to know each other. We seem to like doing that. :) I was very pleasantly surprised by his invitation, and was glad to be able to spend the afternoon with him. I was tired, and probably rambled too much, but I think we still enjoyed the afternoon nonetheless. feels good right now.

Yay! I love those times when out of the blue the years of moments all tie together and become meaning and purpose!

God grooves.
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