Friday, December 23, 2005

Christmas is about...regifting

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We had our Oasis Christmas party last night, and it was a lot of fun. As people are prone to do at such parties, we had a white elephant gift exchange. I blessed someone with a few gag gifts that had been given to me by various folks, and I was in turn "blessed" with a Yanni Christmas CD. I then "blessed" Pastor Rick with the CD, because he said he would actually listen to it.

I am very blessed. I realized that as I was surrounded by my Oasis family last night. Not everyone is so fortunate as to have wonderful people in their lives who laugh with them, cry with them, pray with them, and stand with them in good times and bad.

During sales school, I took my sales school roommate over to Herbie and Co.'s house, to drop off the gifts I picked up for the His Hands and Feet ministry. I didn't want her to get bored at the hotel, so I invited her along. We hung out there for awhile, and when we went "home", she said that they seemed like really great guys. I told her they were really great guys, and were some of my best friends. We talked for awhile about Oasis, how important it has been to my life, how Herbie and Co. have so positively impacted my life, etc...It was awesome, because she could see the difference between what she saw at Herbie's place, and what she is used to seeing among her own group of friends, and it really ministered to her. It opened the door to a lot of conversation that we would not have had otherwise. You just never know when you're being a witness.

In other news, life is going well. I have been Aflac'ing for a full week now, and I've managed to schedule several appointments which will likely lead to writing business very soon. I am loving this new career so far, even though it is a terrifying leap of faith. I know God is in it, and I am just enjoying the journey.

God is good.

How exciting!
Except for Yanni.
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