Monday, January 30, 2006

Finding freedom

I am feeling much better today. Things are making more sense, and I feel once again like I am going forward rather than standing still and looking back.

I took a step forward in becoming involved in the church plant, and will now be attending the Bible study there on Wednesday nights. When I got off the phone with the pastor, I felt such a sense of joy and freedom. I know that God is going to do big things, and I firmly believe that this initial step of faith is going to take me out of the rut I've been stuck in and move me into position to receive whatever is waiting for me in Petoskey.

I also received some news about my business, but it is bittersweet due to the circumstances behind it. The other agent working in my immediate area is going through a lot of personal issues, and has been since they started with Aflac about six months ago. I talked with that agent tonight, and was informed that they may not be doing Aflac anymore, and they are more than likely going to give me all the groups they just signed. Meaning, I will inherit three or four groups, and being that this is the first year these groups have been with Aflac, I will receive the first year commission when I write the business. For anyone who doesn't know, the first year commission is significantly more money than I'll receive on the renewals in the years to come.

I told the agent that I want them to really think about it before they make a decision, because I don't want them to do something they will regret later. However, if they do decide to quit and I inherit those accounts, it will significantly increase my book of business, generate significantly more income, and bring me that much closer to having what I need to participate in the "coordinator in training" program. So, do I hope they quit? I wouldn't say that. If it is meant to be so, it will be. If not, that just means God has other things in mind for both of us.

All in all, this day has been one of wonderful surprises, amazing freedom, and restored joy. And it comes as no surprise...Jesus said that He came that we might have life, and have it more abundantly. It was never His plan for us to live in sadness, confusion, or any kind of despair. Weeping may remain for the night...but rejoicing comes in the morning!

Yep, that's just how God works. You take a step and out of nowhere comes your rescue. :)
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